Sunday, September 2, 2012


Photo Credit:
Pink Sherbet Photography
What is psychometry?
Psychometry is the ability to read energy in an object. Energy is everywhere and often pieces get left on objects through out a person's life. Strong emotions such as fear or anger tend to leave a bigger energy mark. Some people have used psychometry and don't even know it.

Have you ever been to a store and you grabbed the item at the front and then all of a sudden change your mind and grab the one behind it or even one further back? A lot of times you are feeling the energy of someone that had touched the item before you and your energy didn't like what it felt.

Similarly, antique stores and garage sales, you may find something you think is "perfect" for your house, you grab it to take a closer look and all of a sudden you don't like what you just thought was so beautiful. More than likely that object was full of an energy that you didn't like.

When a person owns something for a long period of time, or owns something very meaningful to them, a piece of  their energy imprints on the object. That one object can tell the owners life story, or who they were/are.

How is it used?
Some psychics choose this method to connect to a person's energy. They ask the person being read to bring something personal with them. Usually like a necklace. Lisa Williams is a famous physic that does this. They can ask for something that belonged to a loved one that has passed that you wish to connect with also.

One of the most impressive, and in my opinion, most important ways psychometry is used is to help with unsolved murders or missing persons cases. In an unsolved murder case the psychic usually asks for something that the person was wearing when the crime took place. Because fear is such a strong emotion it will be imprinted on anything the person was wearing or had on them.

Learning to read the energy imprinted on objects can be a very useful tool for a psychic.

How to practice?
One thing I like to do is go to antique stores. If you choose to do this, make sure you re careful because there is a lot of energy. I recommend making sure you only choose a few number of things to touch. You also need to make sure you are fully aware of your energy prior to entering the shop. This way, if you are in a fantastic mood and you touch something, only to feel anger, you know it's the energy of the object.

Before I knew what psychometry was, I used to go into antique stores and just get very overwhelmed. Because I was touching everything and not focusing I was just getting an overflow of energy. One time, I almost passed was then that I realized I was doing something other than just looking at old objects.

You could also get a few people together and ask each person to bring a couple objects from people in their lives, whether they are living or have passed on. You can take turns holding onto an object and letting things come to you, sharing what you see, feel and read.

When I do psychometry the first thing I sense is the emotions, then the visions start. A lot of time it is as if my imagination is running wild. But you can change the outcome of what you imagine, I can't change the visions. The more you use it, the stronger it will get. Remember, you are reading the energy left behind on objects, it can be anything from feelings, to visions, to smells.

While psychometry can be  lot of fun, and can help greatly in doing readings, remember, while you are practicing you won't know what kind of energy is attached to an object, ask your guides to help you. Before touching or holding something ask them if it is okay for you to go for it. If you have a bad feeling, or hear them say no then back away. They will help you only pick things you can handle.

Have fun, be safe and trust in yourself and your guides!

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