Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Forgiveness is not about forgetting, it's not about pretending something never happened and moving forward with the person you are forgiving. Forgiveness is about letting go. Letting go of the guilt and power.

When something happens between you and another person usually two things happen. They have so much power of you because you are angry, sad and hurt. You also hold a lot of guilt because you may feel you could have, should have done something different.

I have forgiven a lot of people in my life, doesn't mean I forgot what happened. I have forgiven myself for the mistakes that I made and let go of a lot of guilt that I held on to. Forgiveness is all about letting go and moving forward.

Ever wonder how a mother could forgive the person that killed their child? They have accepted that it happened, accepted that they couldn't do anything to change the outcome and have let go of the power the person had over them. They are not forgiving them in the sense that they will start visiting and chatting, nor to a point that they will love that person. They are simply breaking the negative cord that is attached and choosing to move forward in their life.

Life isn't perfect, nor will it ever be. Perfection is something that we cannot have here on earth. The only perfection we have is know we are a perfect piece in the grand scheme of the universal picture. We make mistakes, others make mistakes. We have made bad choices and so have others, forgiveness is a powerful thing. A learning experience and can release you of so much.

No one truly expects you to forgive overnight. If they do, they do not understand what forgiveness truly means. It takes time and may even take a few times. You may find yourself forgiving someone for the same thing several times in your life and that is okay.

So remember, open your heart, let go of the guilt, don't let the person have power over you and move forward...as many times as you need to.

Rose Quartz can help assist you in your path to forgiveness.

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