Thursday, August 16, 2012

Patience: A Lesson That Sucks

Okay so it's not the most spiritual title but it is honest. Living in a fast paced world, in a world of instant gratification it can be really hard to accept patience. It is a lesson so many of us are getting and so many of us struggle with.

It is pretty hard to slow down and smell the flowers when the rest of the world seems to be rushing by at highway speeds, but with patience that's what we have to do. While patience is usually a life lesson, something that we will have to go through several times, I want to offer a few tips that will hopefully help you in this lesson.

When I am being taught patience all of a sudden grocery lines take forever, traffic hits and people are late for everything. Getting frustrated only proves you are not learning your lesson and will make these things and more continue to happen. So what should you do?

In a line? Take the time to just observe everyone around you, listen to their stories or get to know the stranger in front or behind you. Take the moment to pick up a magazine in the check out and just read it. Simply remind yourself there is a lesson in all this, to slow down.

In traffic? Turn up the radio and enjoy the time you have to listen to the music, or talk to your guides. If you are running late, all you can do is breathe and remember there is a reason or maybe you should have left sooner, but you are not the Moses of traffic and no matter what you do you cannot part the cars and move faster, all you can do is accept your lesson and learn.

So what is the point of all of this? First of all, the spirit world has no time, so when we are over here in this world of time, waiting for our lessons it can seem like it's taking forever and we get frustrated and give up before it has even truly started. Learning to be patient with physical things can help us become patient with spiritual things.

I think the irony of the whole lesson of patience is once we truly learn to let things happen at their own pace and we truly let go of the control, things start happening faster. This does not mean one can simply say, "I accept and will let things happen at their own pace." You must believe it, practice it and FEEL it.

It is perfectly okay to ask for help from your guides and Angels, it is perfectly okay to use stones and any other tool you may find useful. Learning patience is hard, believe in yourself because you can and will learn. Do not give up because the rewards of accepting and learning are absolutely beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. I have to learn this also. I am in a weird place where you would think I would be patient. My mother is dying, but I want it to hurry up so she can move on and I can move on. There is nothing pleasant about the death state and the slow progression of death. I feel the sooner it was over for her the faster she would heal. Then I feel bad thinking I should want more time with her.
    Driving, I get so frustrated getting stuck in traffic jams, even when I am running early. I have to remind me that someone else may be having a far worse day than I am at that moment.
    Patience in waiting for the Universe to give to me what I ask. It is a battle every day, I wanted it the day I asked. Maybe we should start learning to ask sooner.
