Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Did You Know: I Do NOT Worship The Devil?

 First of all I think I need a little intro. For those of you coming to this blog via Just Jennifer, I used to be Motherhood Truth. This is my new home, my new chapter.

For those of you coming from my FB page, this is a link up that I had helped host back when I had my old blog. I thought it would be fun to write a little piece on who and what I really am, and to hopefully shed some light on some misconceptions.

So, I do NOT worship the devil, Satan, darkness...or whatever misconstrued idea that Hollywood has formed for so many. I was actually totally unaware that people thought I worshiped the devil until I was about 13 and was flat out told this. Nothing like being in your teens and being told you re going to Hell. ::eye roll:::

I believe in God, my God may be a tab different than your God, but I still believe in one. I believe that as long as I use my gifts for good and never let ego get in the way, God will allow me to use them to help people.

I believe in angels. So much so I have a massive collection of them that spills over into my entire house. The ONLY tattoo I have is a set of angel wings. I own SEVERAL bibles and crosses...but I also own a Buddha.  I may not be religious, but I am spiritual and I believe everything I do comes from good. I can feel darkness and I can feel negativity and know when to avoid it.

So, I am a psychic medium...while we are clearing the air here, that does not mean I see and know everything. I make mistakes in my life, although mistakes to me are learning experiences. I am even directionally challenged. I cannot see where you will be in 2 months, unless...you give me permission. My energy has to tap into yours, I do not go walking around tapping into people, I don't do it to those close to me, and I won't do it to people I don't know. Sure, some people radiate their energy so much that I can't help but see certain things. Or hear things...or hell even smell things that no one around me can. Once I have permission THEN I can go to work.

By the way, I don't own a crystal ball either.

Oh...no long skirts...okay well one, but I prefer jeans. My hoop earrings are tiny too. Hey, I thought I would just clear it all up.

I do own crystals and stones, I do own a deck of Angel Cards, which are a little like Tarot Cards but focus more on the soul and emotions vs the physical. Tarot cards are not devil work either, sure they can be used for bad, but they are a tool...a shovel is meant to dig holes, but hit someone hard enough and now it's a murder weapon. Tarot cards are a tool, to help spread positive messages...unless the wrong person, uses them for the wrong reason.

I fear I may have gotten a little off track, my point is, if you are basing things off of what Hollywood has told you or some crazy idea somewhere down the line from your cousin's brother or whatever...stop. Don't judge and don't assume. I could probably write an entire book on this, now that I think about it, but I encourage you to actually learn and see who we are, what we believe...you may find out there are more similarities than you ever thought possible.

So, did you know?


  1. Good job, Dee! I bet you look pretty in long skirts. ;-)

    1. I am thinking every month I will debunk a new myth...I kind of threw in a few here, but there are many more!! I prefer skirts that twirl easy....oh that's probably not helping my case is it? LOL

  2. Awesome, yes, this is correct. Someone asked me how do I react when people say it is the devil that gives me information. I explain to them that I have never seen the Devil or anything give evil that brings to people a sense of relief and peace in their heart and soul. The moment I saw the work I do harm others I would stop.

    FYI I need a Navigational tool because this world feels foreign to me, things exist in places I don't feel they should. Directionally challenged is an understatment, someitmes I decide, just to add to the pot, I walk into walls. ;-)

    Well written!

    1. I was in TOTAL shock the first time I heard the Devil idea...yeah I haven't seen him either. Not something I ever want to go looking for either. lol. That second part of your comment made me seriously LOL! I walk into walls too, so it's okay! :D
